The Harbour School

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Be Known

Grade 2
Click to hear his story

Click to hear her story

Grade 11
Click to hear her story

THS Alumni, Class of 2018
Click to hear his story

Get real

Explore the world

on our outdoor classroom the Black Dolphin

Test a theory

in our state-of-the-art on campus Marine Science Center

Solve a problem

with design thinking at our makerspace, The Foundry

Start a Company

like Caféruna, our high school's fair trade coffee brand that partners with farmers in Peru and invests 100% of proceeds back into their community

go back in time

with our annual renaissance fair, fully produced and run by 4th grade students

Find your passion

whether it's acting, architecture or sailing, we encourage exploring it all!

Go beyond


We value all that the arts offer - an unparalleled learning experience during which students discover another facet of themselves and their capabilities through the rigour of a group production enjoyed by the community.


Authentic exhibitions of student learning permeate our curriculum. The Fourth Grade-sponsored Renaissance Faire Is a perfect example.


It’s just as important to ask the right question as it is to eventually determine a possible answer.

In Depth STEAM activities 

Our unique curriculum-based STEAM activities along with our annual STEAM nights and weeks allow students to dive into their curiosities and gain hands-on, deeper understanding of what interests them.


Our students learn to be creators and entrepreneurs. Two teams of self-motivated students came together to innovate and solve big problems in their communities by joining a world-wide technovation challenge with both teams being among the five finalists!


 We aspire for each student to be invested in the world around them. Whether it’s developing a spectrometer for people in Bangladesh or working in our Foundry to develop a more humane “cage home” for the marginalised in Hong Kong, our students have multiple opportunities to gain content knowledge and expertise in service of an authentic project that helps others.

Primary to High School with an international perspective.

Begin your journey

The Harbour School is at the forefront of a revolution in education.

Click here to find out what the world is saying about us.