Independent Study Module


Independent Study Modules (ISMs) are designed to cultivate lifelong learning habits as well as build an academic and professional portfolio.

Each academic year in high school, students complete an independent study module, for which they receive one-half unit of academic credit.

These modules allow students to pursue their unique areas of interest. Academic advisors play a key role in guiding and empowering students to develop their own perfect study module.

Independent Study Modules follow a three-term arc: Research, Application, and Presentation.

At the end of this progression students will have developed robust independent learning skills, pursued an idea within their own interest area, and developed a presentation to share their learning with their fellow students.

The Class Everyone Should Want to Take in High School
  • 2022
  • High School
Dr. Sam Crickenberger, ISM Coordinator

Sometimes referred to by THS high school students as passion projects on steroids, the Independent Study Module or ISM, is a year-long exploration and investigation into an area of interest or passion culminating in a final product. From developing and refining a better chocolate brownie recipe to boat building to short animation movies, the final products of ISM are as diverse and unique as its high school student body. Some students graduate from the four years with projects and creative portfolios that stand them in good stead for university applications, but the most valuable lessons however are the ones students learn about themselves while working on their ISM projects. 

Read More about The Class Everyone Should Want to Take in High School

Student Independent Study Module Projects

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