University Admissions

At THS, students are encouraged to pursue a wide variety of careers and goals. We have had seven graduating classes and 85 graduates as of 2024.

Quick Stats

*As ranked by US News University Rankings – Global for top Global Schools; National for top US Schools; or Best Liberal Arts Colleges Ranking where not recognized as a University).
†Excludes students admitted “early admission” to their top choice University or College.

THS University Acceptance List By Country

Forging their own Pathways

In addition to the above, our students have chosen to…

Meet Iggy: THS Alumnus, Class of 2018

University Counseling Program

The college counseling program at THS seeks to empower the individual to make informed choices based on their developing sense of self and their emerging value system. The student will be firmly in the driver’s seat with the surrounding adults acting as a network of mentors and consultants to be activated when needed.

Our program will be guided by a Right Fit philosophy, which recognizes each student as an individual with a unique set of needs that will require a correspondingly unique environment in order for their potential to be realized. It is our belief that the right student at the right school with the right motivation will have a much greater chance at becoming right in the world.

A Note On University Rankings

As the president of a university that is among the top-ranked universities, I hope I have
the standing to persuade you that much about these rankings - particularly their
specious formulas and spurious precision - is utterly misleading.
Gerhard Casper, former President of Stanford University

While we are tremendously proud of all of our students’ successes, we recognize and agree with a number of problems with University rankings (1, 2, 3). In fact, rankings are a simplification - hardly useful in the complex task of developing people. As a school that invests in the individual, we don’t use student rankings and we don’t put too much weight in University rankings. [Click here to read more on this idea and what we do find important.]

We’re most proud of the fact that our students are co-creating their passion, continuing their personal growth, and enhancing their personal impact at a University that is right for them.

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